-The primary goal of our staff is to provide an environment for children to engage in activities with as many risks mitigated by proper planning and training. Coming to camp at any time includes some risk that we cannot completely eliminate, including possible exposure to COVID-19. However, we will do our best to minimize exposure and possible spread.
- If you have a fever or do not feel well, do not visit our facility.
- If a family member has a fever or does not feel well, do not visit our facility.
- If you have been in close contact with anyone who has had a fever or was not feeling well, do not visit our facility.
- There will be staggered start times to avoid as much back-up as possible.
- The check-in process will be drive-thru style, with multiple lanes.
- Students will be held in waiting areas and released by their instructors when parents arrive.
- The check-out process will be drive-thru style, with multiple lanes.
Social Distancing
- Students will be with their classmates for the duration of their time on site.
- Classrooms have reduced capacities. Students will have their own desks and will be distanced from one-another.
- The majority of instructors will only teach one session, thus interacting with only one group of students per week.
- Physical distancing measures will be used in office areas, break areas, the lobby, and other high-traffic employee areas.
- Where possible, directional traffic will be used.
- Staff and participants will avoid high fives, handshakes, and other greetings which break physical distance.
- Programs where social distancing measures are impractical have been canceled.
- If the safety of a child or staff member is in question, social distancing will be broken to attend to that person.
Personal Hygiene
- All participants and staff are required to wear masks while inside the facility. There will be some activities where masks will not be worn, such as, swim checks and when one individually is on a boat, etc.
- Students should use hand sanitizer and wash their hands with soap and water when available.
Cleaning Policies
- Employees will clean surfaces using EPA approved cleaning products and disinfectants.
- Cleaning of classroom spaces will occur at the end of each session, plus regular, on-going cleaning.
- Restrooms will be cleaned on a regular, on-going schedule.
- Equipment will be cleaned with disinfectant after use by a participant.