Become a Friend of the Newport Sea Base
Over 200,000 youth served since 1937
"Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the mountains and the stars up above. Let them look at the beauty of the waters and the trees and flowers on earth. They will then begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education."
~David Polis
Endowment Campaign
Over the past 82 years, the Newport Sea Base has served over 200,000 youth and nearly 5,000 youth served in 2015 alone. In order to keep this opportunity open to has many youth as possibly, prices are subsidized at below cost rates.
Program fees constitute roughly 70% of the annual operating budget and the shortfall must be raised by other means. When presented with budget constraints, maintenance and capital needs are deferred which in a salt water environment results in ever-mounting dock and boat bottom cleaning and perpetual metal oxidizing costs.
It is time to endow the Newport Sea Base permanently so that thousands of youth in our community continue to have access to boating and maritime opportunities that otherwise would be out of reach.
The Newport Sea Base has produced a multitude of US Naval and Coast Guard officers and enlisted men and women, world class yacht designers and racers, Olympic hopefuls, yacht captains, architects, marine biologists and most life-long boaters.
Help keep this community marine education center thriving!
They say hindsight is 20/20, but let us have the foresight to see the need to preserve this amazing facility for the next 80 years.
Let's raise $5 million by 2025.
$575,000 raised so far!
Interest earned would:
-Double the maintenance budget to $100,000 annually
-Increase the capacity to serve 2,500 school kids a year in the Journey to the Ocean program from 1,500
-Help bring back a long-term Adventure Camp vessel (a 25-person overnight capacity vessel)
-Keep staff mission focused on program excellence and not fundraising
-Scholarship more kids in long-term programs such as Sea Scouts, Rowing and Offshore Sailing.